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Hey!Can you EVEN compare it?

Hey!Just found my father`s old discs and I saw there 2 discs albums of Queen`s.and listened to their song ,,Somebody to Love,,.And I remembered I found one of Justin Bieber`s song with the same name:,,Somebody to Love -Remix.,, Can you even compare Queen`s and Justin Bieber`s?Is it different?I know...you will say ,,YES!QUEEN IS BETTER!,, ...And you will be right!!!Old Rock/Pop was more better that today`s.In today,can you see a good STAR? ,,NO!,, Can it be Miley Cyrus?we can say about it was completely destroyed....Or maybe Kesha?can not speak, if you listen to her live ...Or maybe...Lady GaGa?!has a good voice, but her voice better be used otherwise ...in other styles of songs...And.....Now ONLY YOU HAVE THE CHANSE TO SHOW ALL THE WORLD YOUR GOOD VOICE AND STYLE!!!!


Stylish Skinny Jeans - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls

Stylish Skinny Jeans - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls

Summer Night Out Look - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls

Summer Night Out Look - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls

Fashion-forward Look - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls

Fashion-forward Look - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls

Lady Gaga's Style - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls

Lady Gaga's Style - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls

Easter Sunday Picnic - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls

Easter Sunday Picnic - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls

Summer Concert Style - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls

Summer Concert Style - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls


Salut!Acum voi publica noi site-uri cu joucri cool pe azdressup.com !In special celor carora le place mult sa se joace de-a imbracatu papuselor care sunt foarte la moda,daca vreti ce inseamna asta,incercati cel putin un joc,si va veti da seama ce bine este sa incerci sa fii tu un mic designer sau model!Azdressup,este un super PLIN cu Jocuri DressUp!Ceea ce si se traduce din engleza(de la a pana la z-dressup(de-a imbracatu))

Fantastically Chic Look - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls

Fantastically Chic Look - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls

New Year's Obsessions - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls

New Year's Obsessions - Dress Up Games - Online Community and Dress Up Games for Girls


I Love Twitter!!!

I dont know why but I am still to be so inlove with twitter.com website!!!If you dont know whats that,its a social website,it is easier to connect you with the world!I really Love it!Follow me on the Twitter MettyStar I dont really know why,But I think twitter its more interesting thn the other social networks like facebook,youtube,myspace and other.First,at the Facebook for me its a little bit harder to chat,to post photos,videos,what I want...and this is why I delated my facebook page.It was Mettystar too..so...I LOVE TWITTER!!!!!!!!

Hi!That post will be in english today!

No matter if we did a Math Test today,(I think I will get a good mark because the test was really easy!)and no matter if the weather was soo bad...If in ourselves we feel the big sun!!!


I Really Love Sundays!!!!And saturdays!!!

Iubesc si ador sfarsitul de saptamana.(I really love the weekend)azi a fost cu adevarat super!!(today was a really super duper day)am dormit la verisoara mea Nicoleta si ne-am jucat si am facut temele impreuna!(I slept at the my cousin-sister Nicole,we did our homework and it was soo great!)dar din pacate maine este deja iarasi luni si...(bunt tommorrow its monday again and again and..)VOI FI DIN NOU EXTREM DE OBOSITA!(and i will be again soooo tired....)


Ann`s Birthday!

A fost o zi minunata!(it was a great day
)azi a fost ziua anei,si am plecat la andy`s pizza!(today was Ann`s birthday and we was at her birthday at the Andy`s Pizza!)Am comandat in total 3 pizze,2 portii de cartofi asorti si 2 portii de aripioare+2 inghetate!(we ate 3 pizzas,2 pieces of potatoes asorti,2 pieces of meat and desert:2 ice-creams!!!)Si totul pentru numai 5 personae!(And everything only for 5 persons!)Ir dupa,am mers toate la cinema 5D!(and then,everybody was at the 5 D cinema!)A fost super!(It was super)Ia drumul de intoarcere,eu si inca o colega l-am mers pe jos...un drum foarteee lung si primejdios!(and,when the birthday was finished,we go back,at the house with our feet,at one of verry scary way....)I Love That Day!!!!!


I think its a great present for my friend,Ann!

Salut!Maine este ziua de nastere a prietenii mele Ana!(hello,tomorrow its my friend`s birthday,Ann!)Si,am plecat cu verisoara mea,Nicoleta sa cautam un cadou pentru ea(and my cousin Nicole and me,was at the shop to buy a present for her)Crad ca este un cadou minunat,dar voi?(i think its a great present,don`t you?)

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Enciclopedia:Winnie ursuletul si prietenii lui!

Salut,cred ca stiti de enciclopedia copiilor,cel putin cei din romania cunosc acesta enciclopedie.da,este o revista minunata,mai ales pentru cei mici,prescolari care vor sa invete mai multe despre natura,plante,animale,formele apei,cerul,anotimpuri s.a.m.d. Daca nu o aveti,atunci cred ca puteti face rost de informatie pe Arborele Lumii sau de pe internet.Dar,numai aici veti avea parte de imagini frumos colorate si un text pe intelesul copiilor!Din paxcate,in Republica Moldova nu va fi posibil sa fie lansata,din cauza unor neintelegeri!P.S:(eu cu intreaga colectie de enciclopedii cu Winnie si Prietenii Lui)


Salut!Or maybe it will better if i will say just hello...

Salut!o noua noutate pentru acest blogg:uneori....in unele zile,cand voi face niste comentarii si postari,voi vorbi si in limba engleza....So,lets start to chat with you in english language....but sorry...it will be only sometimes!just follow my last updates....!!!



Salut,uf astazi pot sa spun ca m-am saturat de programul scolii!!!!daca vreti sa vedeti de ce,cititi programult meu scolar:marti istoria,fizica,ed.tehno.ed.plast.limba rusa si ed.fizica!!!!iar pe saptamana avem numai de 2 ori 6 lectii,iar de 3 ori 7!!!!Uf...pai asta se numeste progrman bun pentru copii buni din clasa a 6-a!!!!si nu vam mai zis ca sunt in clasa muzicala si am muzica de foarte multe ori......mda........este un progrmam foarte bun pentru liceul teoretic ion creanga din republica moldova....mda.....


Playback vs Live!!!

Priveste cum canta starurile Live Vs Playback,apoi voteaza la Rubrica Voteaza Star! 1.Miley Cyrus Cantec Cant be Tamed Playback http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQI6EKHHvxw Live http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAJBMpLvTlo&feature=related 2.Justin Bieber cantec Baby Playback http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kffacxfA7G4&ob=av2e Live http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1RP9ZrPk9Y 3.Kesha Tik Tok playback http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP6XpLQM2Cs Live http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PzximQhVxw 4.Lady GaGa Alejandro Playback http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crYDOdZ2LC4 Live http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QicA3QZEgCs 5.Shakira Waka Waka playback http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXoIMTjk9Xg Live http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRDgVGHB6eM Voteaza-ti Artistul Preferat!!!!


Salut!Azi am fost cu mama la filmul Letters To Juliett!!!Super Cool!!!Iar acum as vrea sa mai deschid si sa-mi fac un nou profil pe o lume virtuala!deci....as vrea sa incep chiar de acum....Ascultati noua piesa a lui Miley Cyrus! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1sDU-LAJZY


salut,azi in republica moldova este o zi cam posomorata,deci si ieri a fost cam posomorata,dar am avut parte de de soare cel putin cateva ore!!!!dar azi uite ca norocul de a avea zi frumoasa este cam jos....Dar am niste propuneri pentru mine si cei care vor deschide blogul meu!!!Puteti intra pe www.odnoklassniki.ru Faceti-va cat mai repede Cont si distrati-va impreuna cu ceilalti useri din republica moldova sau rusia!sunt o gramada de jocuri interesante,cum ar fi:http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/dk?st.cmd=userMain&tkn=1418#st.cmd=appMain&st.refplace=4&st.appId=aocgjlzoevsgmmyqg0eoidzizoewbvrghruc&st._aid=UserMain_Apps_App O joaca foarte distractiva,care iti fura cam mult timp din timpul lber dar merita!!!!daca puteti intra pe internet de pe telefon mobil puteti accesa: www.m.odnoklassniki.ru puteti vizita si diverse lumi virtuale,cum ar fi:www.imvu.com www.secondlife.com www.life123.com Toate cele spune sunt in varianta 3D!!!!voi posta mai multe noutati in continuare,despre ce se intimpla acum nou pe Twitter.com


Ziua Sardinei!!!(peste)

(eu,matusa,tata,copiii din Germania)

Salut!M-am intors din Portugal!Partea 3

Salut!M-am intors din Portugal!Partea 2

Intr-o zi minunata am fost si pe dealuri inalte in Portimao!A fost ABSOLUT MINUNAT!!!dar erau si cateva probleme,cam greu ma puteam urca si asta a fost cam o problema mare pentru mine(P.S:fotografiile nu sunt luate de pe ilustrate,ci sunt facute de catre tata si de catre mine,de pe aparatul nostru de fotografiat)

Salut!M-am intors din Portugal!Partea 1

Salut in sfarsit m-am intors din Portugal!As vrea sa va spun ca a fost o vacanta absolut minunata!!!dar,defapt m-am intors nu azi si nici ieri,ci tocmai pe 26 august!Scuze,nu am pre avut timp sa scriu un nou update despre tot,pentru ca.....um....nu am AVUT TIMP!Dar,uite acum am in sfarsit timp sa scriu si sa povestesc despre cele intamplate!!!M-am aflat in Portugalia,in sudul portugaliei,Alvarve.Dar am stat intrun orasel numit Portimao!!!!Timp de tocmai 1 luna si o saptama!Vreau sa spun ca a fost o vacanta absolut minunata!Am stat in primul rand intr-o casa de 3 etaje cu piscina!la matusa mea,impreuna cu parintii si o prietena a mamei.numai ca mama a plecat pente 2 saptamani,iar eu cu matusa si tatal meu am stat in continuare!In aceasta casa se aflau multi turisti numai din Germania!Ir o familia a stat in vacanta timp de 1 LUNA!!!Si...am avut posibilitatea sa invat si putina germana!Cu mama copiilor,Sandra vorbeam in engleza,iar cu copii mai putin puteam vorbi,nu prea cunosteau engleza...Am vizitat oceanul Atlantic,si a fost SUPERRRRRR!!!!!in fiecare zi plecam la ocean,iar in primele 2 saptami de 2 ori pe zi!!!!Cateva fotografii mai sus...Ok..partea urmatoare a calatoriiei mele,mai jos.