Hey!Just found my father`s old discs and I saw there 2 discs albums of Queen`s.and listened to their song ,,Somebody to Love,,.And I remembered I found one of Justin Bieber`s song with the same name:,,Somebody to Love -Remix.,, Can you even compare Queen`s and Justin Bieber`s?Is it different?I know...you will say ,,YES!QUEEN IS BETTER!,, ...And you will be right!!!Old Rock/Pop was more better that today`s.In today,can you see a good STAR? ,,NO!,, Can it be Miley Cyrus?we can say about it was completely destroyed....Or maybe Kesha?can not speak, if you listen to her live ...Or maybe...Lady GaGa?!has a good voice, but her voice better be used otherwise ...in other styles of songs...And.....Now ONLY YOU HAVE THE CHANSE TO SHOW ALL THE WORLD YOUR GOOD VOICE AND STYLE!!!!