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The Queen of Spades

When I was doing my English homework I was thinking about our school newspaper.Yes,this newspaper,ProVerde everyone reads.Or,at least are looking at images!LoL!But this is not so funny,because when you are giving just a little atention at your Boring School's Newspaper you can find something interesting...,,Witch touches your Heart,,!Listen here/read what a 15 years old girl wrote...

''Some say the world will end In fire,

Some say in ice,

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if I had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say,

That for destruction

Ice is also great

And would suffice.'' -Robert Frost

I've always hated myself for what I am.Just a 15 years old girl,that was too simple,too common.I was exactly the opposite of my classmates,who were sociable,and,in general,too coll in comparison with me,that was very quiet,and with anything that could differentiate me from others.That Friday seemed to be an usual one,but,a new guy destroyed all the harmony of a simple class.George was his name,and I bet my classmates have already told him my attitude to everyone and everything...

The one that is talking right now is me,Inny(I've always disliked my name,it is too strange.)

There aren't so many cool things that have happened in my life,but still there is something to say...

I was at the physical education.Girls,as usual,were gossiping,but one detail in their speech puzzled me.It was something about a Queen of Spades(or something like this),that killed a girl in the summer camp.Actually,it was an old myth that mentioned her to be the queen of death,and if a group of people invoked her,she could be able to kill somebody.I smiled myself thinking ''Oh,God,another stupid fairytale''.After I tried to concentrate on their next speech,but they began a stupid topic:''Boys''.Boys from our class weren't a present too.Even if some of them weren't stupid,the biggest part of them didn't go to school with a certain purpose.That's why none of them were on my taste.The bell rang.I went to bathroom.

Silence...Water pouring on my hands...Me,looking into the mirror.But suddenly,I saw some red spots on the wall at my back...I approached the wall.It was written: ''Don't be so sure''.I tried to remember my thoughts that day: ''Breakfast,boys,my stupid shoes,and,oh yes:

-Oh,God,another fairytale!?

I said it aloud,and still didn't quite understand why I said it with a questioned tone(as not being sure of the truth of my statement)...

(to be continued...)

- Trili Diana,9th ''A'' form

Now,what can you say?



Hey.Today is a interesting day.lol.I'll tell you how was my day.

➀I woke up at 7 A.M to go to school.again.Ya,u heard ok,on Saturday.Just because to be at 8 A.M at school and to start my violin lesson.'Cause on 28 I'll have a small concert.

➁I stayed on internet.haha.like every time I'm doing on weekends.And I found some GREAT websites,while I was searching for ,,How To Be Famous On Twitter?,, Look what I found - http://twittercism.com/secret-twitter-success/ and http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Twitter-Celebrity

➂Talked on the phone with Laury4ka.I think today she'll write an article.

➃Watched an episode on ,,Acasa,,TV.Oh,there are LOT of Spanish serials and only Spanish.You know...A poor girl entered in a big house,there is a bad aunt.A boy found that girl when she broke her shoe.lol.

➄And this I'll do later.I'll watch ,,Eurovision National Final,,(Moldova)I'm excited.about who will represent our country.

➅I'll go on Twitter to add my new followers.And to send them some DM or replies


Do You Want 5+ ?

Hey!Ya.This is a question for my dear friends and guests.Do you want 5+ on odnoklassniki.ru site?Cause I paid money for you,on my odnoklassniki profile.And,for 20 days I'll can put 5+ on my friends photos,And,my friends,are YOU,my dear readers.So,my name on odnoklassniki is Metty Star .In the comments box tell me your username,or,find me on odnoklassniki,to put you 5+ .REMEMBER!!!I'll PUT YOU 5+ ONLY TODAY FOR FREE.AFTER,YOU HAVE TO PARTICIPATE AT MY LITTLE CONTESTS(THEY WILL APPEAR ON 5th OF FEBRUARY)THESE CONTESTS ARE WITHOUT MONEY.


Claiming to be Miley...

Ya,this is all about you heard.Some big fans of Miley are claiming to be her.But,all of us know.THIS IS NOT REAL!Just because,I'm saying this for BIG MILEY FANS,she got only a facebook oficially,myspace account.And her own is youtube. (MCForRealzzz)what about twitter...let's forget about,she deleted her twitter account reason you'll know. her rap song GoodBye Twitter. Now,let's go to the theme.I found a girl,another girl.She was claiming to be Miley,again.You are wondering for what she said,yeah?Look,I copy&paste our discussion.
,,Destiny Hope Cyrus
thanks for that you like me but its wrong to put someone other pictures
Metty Star

Destiny Hope Cyrus

Metty Star

This was a fan album.so
Destiny Hope Cyrus

Metty Star

because they are not private.ok,if you have some problуms,I'll delete them
Destiny Hope Cyrus

some pictures are ugly

Metty Star

oh.you want to say,that you look in some pictures ббгпднбб

and г think you are little ugly?
Destiny Hope Cyrus

erase them hannah montana fied
Metty Star

Destiny Hope Cyrus

Metty Star

you want all hannah photos to be deleted?
Destiny Hope Cyrus

Metty Star


Destiny Hope Cyrus


realy do you like me?
Metty Star


you are gret

Destiny Hope Cyrus

oo thank,becouse some peoples don't like me

sorry i gotta go
Metty Star

1.Oh,she can't even speak correct(Do you think Miley speaks like that?NO!)
2.Has the real Miley an odnoklassniki account?(cause this post was from that site)
Post Your Comments.


,,Moldova de la Inceputuri...,"

In postarea ce urmeaza vreau sa va prezint cateva elemente esentiale despre formarea,primii voiezovi,pozitia geografica,dezvoltarea sociala si economica a Tarii Moldovei.Adica Moldova de la inceputuri,din Evul Mediu.
Chiar la inceputul mileniului al 2-lea apar formatiuni statate incipiente si la est de Carpati.Formatiunile politice s-au confruntat cu ultimul val de migratori,in anul 1241,cum ar fi:tataro-mongoli,oguzi,pecenegi,cumani etc.Invazia tataro-mongola a oprit expansiunea maghiara la sud si est de Carpati,care a asigurat unificarea fortelor teritoriale romanesti.Mai exista si niste legende,specifile neamului nostru,cum ar fi:"Legenda despre Dragos-Voda". ANUL FORMARII TARII MOLDOVEI-1359 Primii voievozi,precum:Bogdan 1,ne-au marcat neamul,prin faptele lor eroice si vitejesti,astfel incat si regele maghiar sa-l recunoasca pe Bogdan 1 drept voievod al statului independent al Tarii Moldovei(in anul 1365). Cate ceva despre categoriile sociale in Tara Moldovei:1.Voievodul in fruntea statului;2.nobili(Transilvania) 3.Boierimea(TR&TM) care se mai diviza in boierimea mare(pani,jupani) si boierimea mica(slugile domnesti si curteni domnesti) 4.Taranimea libera si dependenta(aservita)
Tara Moldovei era bogata in foarte buni bo
i si vaci.Polonezii,rusii(din Galitia) si ungurii,dar chiar si prusacii,silezienii,cehii,slovenii,italienii si turcii in fiecare an importau un numar imens de vite...
Nu trebuie sa uitm si de denumirile localnicilor:vlahi,volohi,schismatici. autor: