Hi to Everyone!Im Metty!Welcome!This is a site ALL ABOUT ME!Enjoy!I Love Music,acting...
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Eurovision 2011 Moldova

Hey!Did you listen to some songs of Eurovision National Preselection Moldova 2011?If you not,go on http://www.trm.md/eurovision2011/ and listen to all 25 participants .You'll see some amazing songs.Then tell me what song was your favorite(on comments).But what's up with some participants..?I mean,did some of them copied international songs?what are already known? For example:Nicoleta Gavrilita and her song-Just Your Friend sounds like Taylor Swift with her song,,You Belong With Me,,But Nicole's voice It's really good and her song it's on of my favorites. She was just an example,more of participants copied something. What about Zdob&Zdub.In 2005 year they got a good position(6)But that year,do you like their song:,,So Lucky,,?Listen here: http://www.trm.md/eurovision2011/participanti.php?starID=276 REMEMBER TO TELL ME YOUR OPINION ON COMMENT BOX!AND ON MY EMAIL : mettystar@mail.md
New Admin In My Blog

Hey,guys!In this good day,I'm happy to present to you our new administrator in my blog!This is all about a girl,a cute,funny,interesting,amazing&creative girl!Laury4ka.She is my frind in real life.BFF!You can see her on photos...Cute,yeah?She'll start to work here today.And we are saying to her:,,Success!,, Comment that.P.S-I'll start to do with her new comments about our romanian and international texts&books.In romanian.
I Know The Secret!
The Winners of:“Golden Globe Awards 2011″
Best Motion Picture, Drama
The Social Network
Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama
Colin Firth The King’s Speech
Best Motion Picture, Comedy or Musical
The Kids Are All Right
Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama
Natalie Portman Black Swan
Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Comedy
Paul Giamatti Barney’s Version
Best Televison Series, Comedy or Musical
Best Director – Motion Picture
David Fincher The Social Network
Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture
Melissa Leo The Fighter
Best Actor in a Television Series, Comedy or Musical
Jim Parsons Big Bang Theory
Best Actress in a Television Series, Comedy or Musical
Laura Linney The Big C
Best Foreign Language Film
In a Better World
Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television
Jane Lynch Glee
Best Screenplay – Motion Picture
The Social Network
Best Actress in a Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television
Claire Danes Temple Grandin
Best Actor in a Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television
Al Pacino You Don’t Know Jack
Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Comedy
Annette Bening The Kids Are All Right
Best Animated Feature Film
Toy Story 3
Best Original Score – Motion Picture
Trent Reznor, “Atticus Ross” The Social Network
Best Original Song – Motion Picture
“You Haven’t Seen the Last of Me” Burlesque
Best Television Series, Drama
Boardwalk Empire
Best Actor in a Television Series, Drama
Steve Buscemi Boardwalk Empire
Best Supporting Actor in a Series, Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television
Chris Colfer Glee
Best Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television
Best Actress in a Television Series, Drama
Katey Sagal Sons of Anarchy
Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture
Christian Bale The Fighter
***My Congratulations To Winners of 2011 year!!!***
Golden Globes
What's with POPCORN magazine?
What's with POPCORN magazine(romania)and really,what's up with today's magazines?Everyone are big liars...and only some people are noticeing it.A lot of people are jealous for star's success...Every magazine has their oppinion of life,but not like that!In BRAVO magazine web page,is a post:,,Justin with Selena,, and on POPCORN magazine:,,Miley&Justin shook couple,, They are so annoying.And the biggest question is:,,Who we must believe,,? Answer:,,NOBODY!!!!,, Look at Popcorn's photo of magazine...And then at Miley's photo,when she was at Hannah Montana Forever.Is like the same!And now Miley has new hair cut!And It's so impossiple to have long hair,short and then again..LONG!!!
Comentariu si Rezumat text:,,Oaspete Nepoftit,,-Nicolae Dabija
®All Rights Reserved.Do Not Copy This Post. -by MettyStarIn special pe mine m-a impresionat mult acest text,in care se descie greutatile vremurilor de pe atunci,despre Voievodul Moldovei,Stefan cel Mare...Intr-o buna zi,Stefan primeste un firaman* de la Ali-Dragomanul(trimis de catre Baiazid al 2-lea Cuceritorul.)In firamanul acela era o porunca,care glasuia cam asa:,,Stefan cel Mare sa-i dea lui Baiazid cetatile Moldovei,,Stefan,fiind un voievod adevarat,nu voia sa dea cetatile Moldovei.,,-Si pentru atata lucru vreti sa-mi furati si putinul pe care-l am?Ce-ar zice bunicul meu Alexandru cel Bun sau tatal meu Bogdan Voievod,daca ar afla ca v-am dat de buna voie cheile Chiliei si ale Cetatii Albe,care sant de fapt cheile Dunarii,si ale Nistrului,si ale Marii Negre?Cred ca ar tresari in morminte.Afla,starinule,ca aceste cetati apara si hranesc Moldova.Mai apoi,solul lui Baiazid a mai cerut ca toti valahii sai sa cunoasca Limba Turca.ceea ce Stefan,cu atat mai mult nu fi de acord,sa-si vanda propria limba.,,-Adica sa va dau haraci.Sa va dau cetati.Si sa va dau si limba?Dar cine s-ar lepada de buna voie de limba parintilor,beneilor si strabuneilor?!Poate doar unul ca tine,dragomanule?Ca vad,ne vorbesti bine graiul...,,Dragomanul era de acord cu Stefan,spunand ca el singur este un copil luat rob din una din tarile crestine si crescut in saraiurile imparatiei,deci,cel care nu are casa.Voievodul,chiar i-a fost mila de el,dar a zis:,,-Si acum ne doresti si pe noi sa fim ca tine.Noi vrem pacea,o vrem prea mult,ca sa lasam sabia din mana si sa speram ca ne-o va darui maritul sultan.,,Pana la sfarsit,Voievodul n-a cedat,iar ,,Solul lui Baiazid a parasit Suceava,fara sa duca in buzunar cheile cetatilor ravnite,,.
P.S Asteptati pentru noi comentarii/rezumaturi la texte,precum ,,Cheile Europei,, ; ,,Baiazid la Cetatea Alba,, de Nicolae Dabija si nu numai.