Hey!Did you listen to some songs of Eurovision National Preselection Moldova 2011?If you not,go on http://www.trm.md/eurovision2011/ and listen to all 25 participants .You'll see some amazing songs.Then tell me what song was your favorite(on comments).But what's up with some participants..?I mean,did some of them copied international songs?what are already known? For example:Nicoleta Gavrilita and her song-Just Your Friend sounds like Taylor Swift with her song,,You Belong With Me,,But Nicole's voice It's really good and her song it's on of my favorites. She was just an example,more of participants copied something. What about Zdob&Zdub.In 2005 year they got a good position(6)But that year,do you like their song:,,So Lucky,,?Listen here: http://www.trm.md/eurovision2011/participanti.php?starID=276 REMEMBER TO TELL ME YOUR OPINION ON COMMENT BOX!AND ON MY EMAIL : mettystar@mail.md
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